Local Advertising for Utah Utah Color offers affordable local advertising. Advertisement

🠈  Millard Color  🠊

About Millard Color

Millard Color is part of the Utah Color project. The goal of this project is to promote local web development and raise community awareness by building a collection of local web directories for select communities in the Mountain West.

The project started with town focused sites including Tooele Utah dot US and Cedar City Utah dot US..

Buying a domain for each community is really expensive. It also limited the project to big towns where I could make enough from ad revenues to pay for the site.

So, I bought the domain UtahColor.com and began developing web sites for each county in the state. The project has slowed down due to lack of funding.


I've been paying for the site with affiliate ads for national advertisers. I created a program that allows locals to display the national ads. I charge a $25 listing fee. I will display the ads for at least 100,000 times before asking for more money.

A text ad will look like the ad atop this page. It has two lines and a link.

Of course, in a small town like Delta, it could takes years to display an ad 100,000 times. Any this is a great price. You can order ads on the advertising page.

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